General Dentistry Burleigh Heads

Burleigh Dental Studio offers you

The highest level of dental care, comfort, expert treatment and tailored advice across all your general and cosmetic dentistry needs.


Future-proof your smile. I know, we dentists say it all the time; but a regular 6-monthly check-up and clean is essential for maintaining your oral health and wellbeing. By taking a preventative approach to your dental health, we can treat any minor concerns as they arise to help avoid any bigger, nastier and usually costlier surprises in the future. It’s our passion to help you maintain a happy, healthy and confident smile for life. Preventative dentistry can help protect you and your loved ones from: - Tooth loss - Tooth pain and sensitivity - Chronic bad breath - Collapsed jawbone - Expensive dental procedures - Surgeries - Higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and dementia

Fresh Breath

Where does bad breath hide? In deep crevices on the tongue and periodontal pockets in the tissue and bone. All of us experience bad breath from time to time, but many patients notice that they are experiencing constant bad breath. Some patients who suffer from chronic bad breath are unaware that there are effective treatments available. More frequent dental cleanings will help free you from odorous bacteria and food particles on your teeth and gums.