Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Implant dentistry is an innovative science, which focuses on creating smiles that have the natural stability of real teeth. One of the main advantages of dental implants is that they look and feel authentic and importantly, maintain biological stimulation to help prevent bone loss and that “sunken-in” appearance normally seen around a missing tooth.

An implant is a durable titanium cylinder that is surgically placed into the upper or lower jawbone. After placement, the implant will fuse with the jawbone until it is fully integrated and becomes part of your body (known as osseointegration). Dental implants work just like real teeth with real roots, allowing for normal chewing function. They are then restored with dental crowns, dental bridges or dentures.

Are Dental Implants right for me?

If you want to replace one or more missing teeth, ask us about the dental implants at Burleigh Dental Studio on the Gold Coast. Dental implants are reliable, durable and designed to support dental crowns, bridges or dentures. Most healthy patients are candidates for dental implants, but your suitability for this treatment solution will be discussed further after a screening, radiographic and medical history assessment process. Typically, we perform both the surgical placement and cosmetic restoration of your implants. In some complex cases we may work with a surgical specialist, to help ensure your treatment outcome is optimal.

Bone Grafting Procedure

Dental implants do require a certain amount of healthy bone to provide a strong foundation for the implant. If a candidate does not have enough bone to support the implant, bone grafting or bone augmentation procedures may be used to supplement the existing bone and support the dental implant. In extremely rare cases a large lack of bone can render the placement of a dental implant impossible.

Treatment Duration

Generally healing from dental implant treatment can take anywhere from 4-6 months, depending on the complexity of your case. If a bone graft is required (for those who do not have enough jawbone to hold the implant in place), treatment duration will take longer as the jaw will first need to heal prior to an implant being placed.

Implant Procedure and Visits

The number of visits required for the placement of dental implants varies from case to case and depends on the patient’s individual circumstances. For simpler cases it can often be completed over the course of two visits, however for those implant cases which are more complicated this can take a few visits over several months. Upon assessment and discussion of your options, you will be given a personalised treatment plan outlining how long the procedure will take and what will be involved at each stage.

Surgical and Pain Management

The placement of dental implants is a surgical dental procedure. Local anaesthetic is used to help ensure that the procedure is completed in comfort. For particularly anxious patients’ oral sedation may be beneficial. Initially, following the procedure considerable discomfort and pain can be experienced however this is managed with oral analgesic medication. This pain substantially subsides over the next few days and is then managed with more mild medication.

Types of Dental Implant Restorations

Following successful dental implant osseointegration (integration with bone), Dr Anthony Hua will place your bespoke dental restoration on top of the implant which will restore function and aesthetics. There are several options available for an implant-supported restoration:

Implant Crowns: An implant crown is used to conservatively replace a single missing tooth, consisting of two parts; the abutment and the crown. In screw-retained implant crowns, the abutment is connected to the crown, and these components are together secured to the top of the implant. Alternatively, with cement-retained implant crowns, the abutment is secured to the top of the implant with a screw and is used as a base for the crown. Implant crowns are hand-crafted to match the shape, size, and colour of the patient’s natural teeth so the replacement looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth. This method is an effective way to permanently replace a missing tooth and improve oral function and aesthetics.

Implant-Supported Bridges: A dental bridge is designed to replace one or more missing teeth. For an implant-supported bridge, two or more missing teeth can be replaced like a regular bridge, except the bridge is supported by dental implants on either end, instead of natural teeth. The bridge is designed as a permanent and fixed solution for a series of missing teeth, designed to look and function like the patient’s natural teeth.

Full Arch Implant Restoration: This treatment is designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth for patients who have lost all or most of the teeth in one jaw. Full arch implant restorations typically use 4-8 dental implants which are placed strategically in the jawbone to support the replacement teeth. It offers a strong, fixed, and aesthetic replacement option for patients requiring full dentures.

What to expect from your first consultation

In your first consultation with Dr Anthony Hua, he will assess your suitability for a dental implant procedure, based on a comprehensive clinical, radiographic, and medical history assessment. Our in-house Cone Beam CT and OPG imaging equipment will enable convenient and efficient radiographic evaluation of your teeth and jaws.

Once the assessment is complete, our team will provide you with information regarding the most suitable type of implant restoration procedure, your tailored treatment plan, duration, and costs. If you have any questions regarding your treatment plan, our team will be happy to address these concerns to provide understanding and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are screw-like fixtures used as tooth root replacements, which fuse with the jawbone to provide support for crowns, bridges, or dentures.

What are the benefits of opting for a dental implant?

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth, improving facial appearance, confidence, and functionality of the mouth, such as the ability to chew and speak.

Where can I get a dental implant?

Burleigh Dental Studio offers this procedure in-house. From the initial implant placement surgery all the way to the final implant restoration, we have you covered. Using world-class dental implant systems with hand-crafted, bespoke restorations to provide you with high-quality, aesthetic results that will look and function like natural teeth.

How do I take care of my dental implants?

Just like your natural teeth, home care for your dental implants include brushing and interdental cleaning twice daily, as well as periodic dental visits every 6 months for long-term health and maintenance.

What does the dental implant process involve?

The dental implant process is a multi-step procedure that normally takes several months, allowing for healing time between stages. Initially, a thorough examination with radiographs is conducted to assess and create a tailored treatment plan. The process typically involves placing a titanium post into the jawbone, followed by a healing period that can last three to four months. Once the implant has successfully fused with the jawbone, an additional procedure might be required to place a healing abutment, which shapes the gums surrounding the final artificial tooth. Finally, the artificial tooth (crown) is permanently attached to the implant.

How long do dental implants last?

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last decades. The crown attached to the implant, however, may need replacement due to wear and tear, typically after 10 to 15 years. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and scheduling regular dental check-ups are recommended to help improve the longevity of dental implants. Avoiding hard foods may also contribute to the long-term durability of your dental implants. Contact us to learn more about dental implants on the Gold Coast.

How do I know if I'm a candidate for dental implants in Burleigh?

Candidates for dental implants should have sufficient bone density and volume in the jaw to support the implant. A detailed examination is typically conducted to evaluate bone health and determine if additional procedures, such as bone or soft tissue grafting, are needed. Patients should also have healthy gums and be free from conditions that could impair healing, such as uncontrolled diabetes or certain heart diseases. A detailed discussion with your dentist in Burleigh is advisable to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants.

How do I prevent gum disease around my dental implants?

You can start with meticulous oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing (or water flossing) daily. It’s advisable to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help monitor the implants and the health of the surrounding gums. Additionally, avoiding hard and sticky foods can help prevent damage to the artificial teeth. Your dentist on the Gold Coast may also recommend special cleaning aids or techniques to help keep your implants and natural teeth in optimal condition.